About us | The National Agency for Public Procurement

About us

Our vision is robust public sector contracts for a sustainable future. To achieve this, we need to understand and address the existing needs. That is why we adopt an exploratory approach in partnership with other stakeholders. By working together, we can create great benefits for society as a whole.

Effective sustainable business in the public sector is extremely important for our society to operate. It is about our joint tax contributions. Taxes that fund things such as the food served in our schools and care homes, our roads and new innovative digital solutions. Sweden conducts public procurements amounting to almost 800 billion krona each year, which corresponds to one fifth of Sweden’s GDP. This money can be used to develop society for all of us. That is why our common resources need to be managed responsibly.  

The National Agency for Public Procurement creates the right conditions for precise and sustainable business in the public sector. The goal is for our common resources to provide the greatest possible benefit for all citizens. Public sector contracts shall contribute to innovation and development for trade and industry through healthy competition.

Adopting an exploratory approach requires courage. We possess that courage. We believe that this is our way to make a difference, and to contribute to robust public sector contracts for a sustainable future.

The evolution of the National Agency for Public Procurement

The National Agency for Public Procurement was founded in 2015 with the aim of strengthening the strategic importance of public procurements. The agency built on what was previously carried out by the Competition Authority, and before that by the Procurement Assistance and Development Unit at the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and Vinnova. Shortly after that, an effective authority with a lot of employee commitment was created. 

Over the years since its inception a lot has happened regarding the attitude to public sector contracts. From a more one-sided focus on the rule of law and disputes concerning the possibility of supplier dialogue, we are now discussing the potential of public sector contracts to act as a driver for achieving important societal goals. In collaboration between the public sector, civil society, the idea-driven sector and industry.

We currently have around 70 employees with different backgrounds and areas of expertise. We all have a strong sense of commitment and team spirit, with a conviction that we can make a difference.

The best possible support for public procurement and state aid

The National Agency for Public Procurement provides support and guidance within public procurement and state aid by developing and disseminating know-how, tools and methods.  

Our job is to provide support to public-sector organisations and their suppliers by reducing uncertainty concerning matters of public procurement and government subsidies. We do this by identifying opportunities in the regulatory framework, but also its limitations. We provide answers to all questions concerning public sector contracts, on strategic matters as well as specific issues. The needs of our target group are our priority and we are happy to involve them in order to provide the best possible support.  

Read about our mission

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Quick facts about The National Agency for Public Procurement

The authority was established: 2015

Number of employees: about 70

Director General: Inger Ek (since April 2016)

Location: Solna

Governed by: The Ministry of Finance

Awards: Sveriges modernaste myndighet 2019 (Sweden's most modern authority 2019)