Download | Description | |||||||||||||||||||
Environmental hazards of the product | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important to avoid the distribution of environmentally hazardous substances in the environment. The core criterion excludes environmentally hazardous products. Criterion text The product shall not be classified with the following hazard classifications and hazard statements in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation), neither in EU-harmonised classification (in accordance with appendix VI in the CLP-regulation), nor in self-classification.
Exceptions: Laundry detergents for professional use where the classification with hazard statement H410, H411 or H412 depends on the content of peracetic acid (Cas No 79-21-0) or hydrogen peroxide (Cas No 7722-84-1). Sub-components of laundry detergents intended for professional use which are classified with H412 due to enzyme content. The exception applies on the condition that sub-components are mixed in an automated process directly connected to the washing machine. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Environmentally hazardous substances | Advanced | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important to avoid spreading of environmentally hazardous substances in the environment. This requirement limits the environmentally hazardous substances in the product. Criterion text Ingredient substances1 shall not be classified with the following hazard class and hazard statements in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation), neither in EU-harmonised classification (in accordance with appendix VI in the CLP regulation) nor in self-classification. 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation).
Exemption: Enzymes (including stabilizers and preservatives in the enzyme raw material). | ||||||||||||||||||||
Bioaccumulation of preservatives and colouring agents | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important that preservatives and colouring agents in the products are not bioaccumulative since they can accumulate in living organisms and become concentrated upwards in the food chain. Criterion text Ingredient1 preservatives and colouring agents shall not be bioaccumulative, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation). Exceptions:
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Biodegradability of surfactants | Advanced | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Surfactants are used in large amounts in detergents and many surfactants are toxic to aquatic organisms. It is therefore relevant to avoid accumulation of them in the environment. Many surfactants are degradable under aerobic conditions (with oxygen). This requirement also require the surfactants to be degradable under anaerobic condition (without oxygen). Criterion text Surfactants in the products shall be readily biodegradable (aerobic) according to OECD's guidelines test methods 301(A to F) or 310 or similar test methods and anaerobically biodegradable according to OECD's guidelines test method 311 or similar test methods. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sensitizing (allergenic) product | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important to reduce the risk of allergies in people who come in contact with hygiene and cleaning products. The core requirement excludes sensitizing products. Criterion text The product shall not be classified with the following hazard class and hazard statements in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation), neither in EU-harmonized classification (in accordance with appendix VI in the CLP regulation) nor in self-classification. The product shall also not be subject to labelling requirements with the text "Contains (the name of the sensitizing substance). May cause an allergic reaction” (EUH208) according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation).
Exceptions: Products where the labelling with EUH 208 is caused by the classification of the ingredient enzymes. Concentrated detergents that are diluted at least 10 times with water by the user to the finished product if the user does not come into contact with the product during dilution. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sensitizing (allergenic) substances | Advanced | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important to reduce the risk of allergies in people who come in contact with cosmetic products. The advanced requirement limits sensitizing substances in the product. Criterion text Ingredient substances1 shall not be classified with the following hazard class and hazard statements in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation), neither in EU-harmonised classification (in accordance with appendix VI in the CLP regulation) nor in self-classification. 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation).
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Phosphate | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Phosphorous is a finite resource and it is therefore relevant to reduce the usage of phosphorous in chemical products as phosphates. Criterion text The product shall not contain1 phosphates. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Palm oil | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Large-scale production of palm oil can entail serious risks for both people and the environment, such as deforestation and decreased biodiversity. The criterium contributes to an improved traceability and more sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Criterion text For products containing palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil derivatives and/or palm kernel oil derivatives, the production of this raw material shall comply with one of the following two alternatives: 1. Is produced in such a way that, at a minimum, it covers the following
2. Is produced in compliance with Regulation (EU) nr 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products. It is sufficient that the documentation of the traceability of the palm oil can be shown through a segregated supply chain (Identity Preserved or Segregated principle), or through the principle of Mass Balance. Exceptions: Raw materials where the content of palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil derivatives and/or palm kernel oil derivatives is less than 1 percent. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Health risks of ingredient substances | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information It is important that there are no substances in the products, that are toxic or can cause cancer, genetic defects, harm fertility or the unborn child. This is to protect the user, but also to avoid distribution in the environment. Criterion text Ingredient substances1 shall not be classified with the following hazard class and hazard statements in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation), neither in EU-harmonised classification (in accordance with appendix VI in the CLP regulation) nor in self-classification.
Enzymes (including stabilizers and preservatives in the enzyme raw material). Fragrances Colouring agents approved as food additives in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 on food additives. Biological substances2, for example plant extracts
Pollutants of NTA (Trisodium nitrilotriacetate, CAS 5064-31-3) in complexing agents at levels of up to 0.1 weight percent in the end product.
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Limitation of specific substances/substance groups Advanced | Advanced | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information There are several problematic substances/substance groups that are difficult to exclude by means of general requirements for substances or classification of products. Therefore it is important to set requirements that minimizes the amount of such substances/substance groups in the products. Criterion text EDTA (CAS 60-00-4) shall not be ingredient1 in the product in concentrations above 0.2 weight percent. The following substances and substance groups shall not be ingredients1 in the product:
Exception: Organic chlorinated substances may be included in preservatives used in dishwasher detergents for professional use. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Limitation of biocides | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information The purpose of this requirement is to avoid biocidal products as they may contain substances that are hazardous to the environment and health. Criterion text The product shall not be intended to have antimicrobial function, i.e it may only contain biocides in order to preserve the product or the raw material in the product.
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Dosage instructions | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Dosage instructions are important in order to avoid overdosing and unnecessary emissions. Criterion text For products with manual dosing, the dosage instructions shall appear on the packaging or the product sheet.
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Plastic packaging | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Plastic packaging are used in large amounts. This requirement aims to increase the recyclability if the packaging by limiting the choices of plastics to be used and later recycled. Criterion text Primary packaging, closures and labels shall fulfil the following:
Polyethylene (PE)
Exemption Thermoplastics and rubber parts in closures. Liners are exempted if they are easily separated from the packaging or closure. Plastic parts in spray or pump nozzles or dosing systems. Pouches. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Plastic packaging in pouches | Spearhead | Award criteria | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information By using plastic pouches as packaging the amount of packaging material is decreased. When this kind of packaging can be recycled the environmental gains are increased. Criterion text To be awarded [points or price deduction] in the evaluation of the bid, the supplier shall confirm that the pouches used as packaging, in the bid, fulfils the following:
monomaterial (PE, PP eller PET)
Polyethylene (PE)
Exception: For cleaning products, TPE-PE in fittings for pouches with closed-system automatic dosing are exempted. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Perfume | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Fragrances are a common cause of contact allergy. When perfumed products are used, it is important that the perfumes are produced in a safe way. Criterion text Any perfumes1 shall be produced in accordance with the International Fragarance Associations (IFRA2) standards or equivalent.
Nitromusk compounds and polycyclic musk compounds Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyklohexene Carboxaldehyde, HICC (CAS-nr 31906-04-4, 51414-25-6) Atranol (CAS no. 526-37-4) Chloroatranol (CAS no. 57074-21-2)
Fragrances classified as sensitizing with H317 Fragrances that shall be declared according to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents | ||||||||||||||||||||
Unscented | Core | Technical specification | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information By selecting unscented products, the possibilities for allergic persons to be able to stay in public premises are improved. Criterion text The product shall not contain perfumes, i.e. substances/substance mixtures that are added with the purpose to improve product's fragrance characteristics. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Supply of safety data sheets | Core | Special contract terms | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information Safety data sheets in electronic form facilitate administration and contribute to the correct risk and safety information reaching the user. Criterion text For all products in the contract where safety data sheets are required in accordance with regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (Reach-regulation), from the start of the contract the supplier shall make sure that:
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Quality assurance procedures | Core | Qualification requirement | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information To fulfil the requirements in the contract, the supplier shall have documented routines for quality assurance. Criterion text The supplier of the products delivered according to the contract shall have routines for systematic quality work. The routines shall be documented, at least include the activities covered by the contract and shall be applied during the contract period. The systematic quality work shall include at least the following points:
Upon request, the supplier shall be able to prove that the requirement has been met. If the supplier applies its own documented system, [The contracting organization] may request that the information is verified by an independent third party. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Requirements under the ILO core conventions | Core | Special contract terms | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information The contract terms on the basic level aim to ensure that the supplier has effective risk management regarding workers' rights under the ILO core conventions in its own operation as well as in the supply chain regarding subcontractors who are directly involved in the performance of the contract. Criterion text 1. The supplier's obligation Throughout the entire contract period, the supplier shall apply the contract terms under item 1-4. The contract shall be fulfilled in accordance with the following terms regarding workers’ rights:
The terms regarding workers’ rights are called “the Terms” hereafter. In the event of the core conventions of the ILO are in conflict with national law, the supplier shall take reasonable measures to ensure compliancy with the international regulations. The obligations concerns workers when they perform work within the frame of the contract. The supplier shall, according to item 2, ensure that the Terms are fulfilled by hired subcontractors that directly contribute to the performance of the contract, regardless of the number of intermediaries. In addition, the supplier shall ensure that these subcontractors participate in the follow-up, The obligations concerns work carried out under such conditions where Swedish labour law is not applicable. 2. Policies and routines To fulfil the obligations under item 1, the supplier shall take measures to prevent and manage any deviations from the Terms according to item 2.1-2.6 below. The measures shall be documented and applied throughout the entire contract period in their own operation and the operation of any subcontractors who directly contribute to the performance of the contract, regardless of the number of intermediaries. At the start of the contract the supplier shall have: 2.1 adopted a commonly accessible policy, adopted by the highest management including a commitment to respect the Terms, 2.2. adopted routines to convey their commitment to respect the Terms in their own operation and in the supply chain, 2.3 appointed a manager at the highest management level, responsible for compliance with the Terms, 2.4 adopted routines to regularly carry out risk analyses, i.e. to identify and prioritise current and potential risks of deviation from the Terms, as well as mapping the supply chain with special regard to high risk operations, 2.5 adopted routines for regular follow-up of the Terms compliance, and 2.6 adopted routines to immediate action to prevent and limit deviations from the Terms, and to make amendments to identified deviations. The measures shall be taken in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, or the equivalent. 3. Follow-up [The contracting authority] has the right to follow-up that the supplier fulfils its obligations. The follow-up may be carried out in different steps; self-assessment and audit. 3.1 Self-assessment 3.2 Audit 4. Management of deficiencies If the supplier does not participate in follow-up or if there are deficiencies in the documentation to be provided under item 3, a correction shall be made within the time determined by [the contracting authority]. In case of deficiencies in compliance to the Terms, the supplier shall amend this according to a schedule and action plan, developed by the supplier, and to be approved by [the contracting authority]. The schedule and action plan are to be developed within the time period decided by [the contracting authority] and must be proportionate to the nature of the deficiencies and clearly describe how these are to be remedied within the established schedule. [The contracting authority] has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect if the supplier do not make amendments within the established period or do not remedy deficiencies within the established [The contracting authority] has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect in the case of severe deviations from the Terms. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sustainable supply chains | Advanced | Special contract terms | ||||||||||||||||||
Criterion information The terms regarding sustainable supply chains aim to ensure that the supplier has efficient risk management in their own operation and in the supply chain, covering the areas human rights, labour rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption. Criterion text 1. The supplier’s obligation Throughout the entire contract period, the supplier shall apply the contract terms under item 1-4. The contract shall be fulfilled in accordance with the following terms regarding human rights, workers’ rights, environmental protection, and anti-corruption (sustainable supply chains):
The terms regarding sustainable supply chains are called “the Terms” hereafter. When international regulations prescribe a stronger protection for the individual than the national legislation, the supplier shall take reasonable measures to ensure compliancy with the international regulations. The obligations concerns all operations connected to the performance of the contract. The supplier shall, according to item 2, ensure that the Terms are fulfilled by hired subcontractors in all parts of the supply chain. In addition, the supplier shall ensure that these subcontractors participate in the follow-up, according to item 3. 2. Policies and routines To fulfil the obligations under item 1, the supplier shall take measures to prevent and manage any deviations from the Terms according to item 2.1-2.6 below. The measures shall be documented and applied concurrently throughout the entire contract period in their own operation as well as in the operation of any subcontractors in all parts of the supply chain. At the start of the contract the supplier shall have: 2.1 adopted a commonly accessible policy, adopted by the highest management including a commitment to respect the Terms, 2.2. adopted routines to convey their commitment to respect the Terms in their own operation and in the supply chain, 2.3 appointed a manager at the highest management level, responsible for compliance with the Terms, 2.4 adopted routines to regularly carry out risk analyses, i.e. to identify and prioritise current and potential risks of deviation from the Terms, as well as mapping the supply chain with special regard to high risk operations, 2.5 adopted routines for regular follow-up of the Terms compliance, and 2.6 adopted routines to immediate action to prevent and limit deviations from the Terms, and to make amendments to identified deviations. The measures shall be taken in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, or the equivalent. 3. Follow-up [The contracting authority] has the right to follow-up that the supplier fulfils its obligations. The follow-up may be carried out in different steps; self-assessment and audit. 3.1 Self-assessment 3.2 Audit 4. Management of deficiencies If the supplier does not participate in follow-up or if there are deficiencies in the documentation to be provided under item 3, a correction shall be made within the time determined by [the contracting authority]. In case of deficiencies in compliance to the Terms, the supplier shall amend this according to a schedule and action plan, developed by the supplier, and to be approved by [the contracting authority]. The schedule and action plan are to be developed within the time period decided by [the contracting authority] and must be proportionate to the nature of the deficiencies and clearly describe how these are to be remedied within the established schedule. [The contracting authority] has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect if the supplier do not make amendments within the established period or do not remedy deficiencies within the established [The contracting authority] has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect in the case of severe deviations from the Terms. |