Level: Core
Phosphorous is a finite resource and it is therefore relevant to reduce the usage of phosphorous in chemical products as phosphates.
- Type:
- Technical specification
- ID:
- 11285
- Group:
- Chemical products
- Swedish:
Criterion text
The product shall not contain1 phosphates.
1Ingredient substances are all substances in the product, including additives such as preservatives and stabilizers. However, impurities from raw material production are not included. Impurities are residues from raw material production in concentrations below 0,01 percent by weight in the product. Substances added to a raw material deliberately and with a certain purpose are not considered impurities regardless of concentration.
The supplier shall, upon request, be able to present any of for example the following:
- Valid license for any of for example the following labels:
Good Environmental Choice for chemical products
Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Cleaning products (note that this verification does not apply to wash polish/wash-and-wax care products)
Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Hand dishwashing detergents
Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Dishwasher detergents for professional use
Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Dishwasher detergents and rinse aid
Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Laundry detergents and stain removers
EU Ecolabel for Hard surface cleaning products, (EU) 2017/1217
EU Ecolabel for Detergents for dishwashers, (EU) 2017/1216
EU Ecolabel for Hand dishwashing detergents, (EU) 2017/ 1214
EU Ecolabel for Laundry detergents, (EU) 2017/1218
- Raw material supplier's safety data sheets for ingredient substances in the product.
- The supplier’s self-declaration including technical documentation of compliance verified by an accredited verification body, accredited for the task in accordance with ISO/IEC 17029 or equivalent standard.
Proposed follow-up
If the requirement is verified with a label, check that there is a valid license for the product in question. This can be controlled here: Good Environmental Choice, Nordic Swan Ecolabel, EU Ecolabel.
Safety Data Sheet
Check the material safety datasheet section “3 Composition/Information in ingredients” to ensure that phosphate is not declared as an ingoing substance in the raw material.
Self-declaration verified by an accredited verification body
If a verified self-declaration is used to prove that the requirement is fulfilled, request the supplier’s self-declaration, including documentation showing that the requirement is met. The self-declaration shall be verified by a verification body accredited for the task in accordance with ISO / IEC 17029 or equivalent standard.
Information about the criterion
Please note that this requirement cannot be verified with product safety data sheets. Safety data sheets are required for all constituents (raw materials) in the product. More information about this can be found under "suggestions for follow-up".
There are currently a limited number of accredited verification bodies for ISO/IEC 17029 (Conformity assessment - General principles and requirements for validation and verification bodies) as it is a relatively new standard. This may change, especially if the demand for verifying compliance in this way increases. More information about the standard and accredited verification bodies can be found on Swedac's website.
Environmental goals
Agenda 2030
Versions history
The version date indicates when the sustainability criterion was created or last updated. Last reviewed dated tells when we last checked that the sustainability criterion still is relevant.
- Current ID
- 11285
- Version date
- 2019-05-07
- Review date
- 2022-07-07