Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

Jämför kriterie 1, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts

Robustness of the product (new equipment)

Technical specification
Criterion text

The equipment shall be tested and pass tests according to MIL-STD-810H, IEC 60068-2 or an equivalent testing procedure using a modified storage/operating temperature range, durability, and drop height as shown below.  

The equipment shall be dropped from a height of at least 45 centimetres (modified drop test height) onto a solid surface. At least one field test shall be carried out for each edge of the underside and each corner of the underside. 

The equipment shall undergo test cycles exposing it to the following storage temperatures for at least 48 hours: 

  • High storage temperature ≥60°C. 

  • Low storage temperature ≤−30°C. 

The equipment shall undergo test cycles exposing it to the following temperatures for at least four hours whilst under operation: 

  • Operating temperature ≥40°C. 

  • Operating temperature ≤−20°C. 

Envrinmental Goals
Jämför kriterie 2, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts
Jämför kriterie 3, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts