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On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Responsible use of antibiotics - Chickens, turkeys and hens

Special contract terms
Criterion text

The supplier undertakes to deliver, from the start of the contract, only raw material from chickens, turkeys and hens produced in such a manner that antibiotics, as defined in Regulation 2019/6/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, are not used to promote growth or routinely prevent disease. Antibiotics shall only be used on veterinary prescription for sick animals or for animals in groups where disease has broken out, after clinical disease has been diagnosed in part of the group.

There shall be documentation for raw material from chickens, turkeys and hens throughout the contract period showing the total number of medical treatments, the reason for treatment and the preparations used. Documentation per flock1 will be sufficient.

Third and fourth generation cephalosporins may only be used when microbiological and resistance testing shows that there is no effective alternative.

Coccidiostats as feed additives are not deemed to be antibiotics in this criterion.

1“Flock” refers to a group of animals kept together in the same stable section. “Stable section” refers to a part of a barnstable that is separated from other parts of the barnstable, normally with dense walls: see Chapter 1(6) of the Swedish Board of Agriculture regulations and general recommendations on poultry farming in agriculture, etc. (SJVFS 2019:23).

Envrinmental Goals
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