Compare criteria | The National Agency for Public Procurement

Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Plastic packaging from renewable raw materials

Award criteria
Criterion text

In order to obtain [points or price reduction] during tender evaluation, the supplier shall certify in its tender that plastic packaging used within the scope of the contract is made from renewable raw materials sourced from waste or by-products.1 The supplier shall specify in its tender the percentage of the renewable raw material used.

At least the following product(s) shall be covered: [state which product(s)].

Upon request, the supplier shall disclose the calculation of the percentage of renewable raw materials used as well as the origin of the renewable raw materials. The calculation can be made according to the mass balance principle2 during a defined period of time by means of the packaging supplier's monitoring and reporting.

1Waste and by-products refer to raw materials that are residual products from another production process, such as cellulose or starch.


Jämför kriterie 2, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts
Jämför kriterie 3, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts