Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Colouring agents in products CE-marked as toys

Technical specification
Criterion text

Products CE-marked as toys made of wood, paper, textile, leather, solid materials intended to leave a trace, accessible liquids, and modelling clay, play clay and similar1 shall not contain the dyes listed in the table below at levels above 10 mg/kg.

Table of limited colouring agents and their CAS-number

Coloring agent CAS-no
Disperse Blue 1 2475-45-8
Disperse Blue 3 2475-46-9
Disperse Blue 106 12223-01-7
Disperse Blue 124 61951-51-7
Disperse Red 1 2872-52-8
Disperse Yellow 3 2832-40-8
Disperse Orange 3 730-40-5
Disperse Orange 37/76 13301-61-6
Basic Red 9 569-61-9
Solvent Yellow 1 60-09-3
Solvent Yellow 2 60-11-7
Solvent Yellow 3 97-56-3
Basic Violet 1 8004-87-3
Basic Violet 3 548-62-9
Acid Red 26 3761-53-3
Acid Violet 49 1694-09-3

1Toy materials in accordance with standard EN 71-9 "Safety of toys - Part 9: Organic chemical compounds - Requirements", (Table 1).

Envrinmental Goals
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