Expertise for transportation of animals to slaughter - chicken, turkeys, hens
Level: Core
Loading and unloading when transporting poultry to slaughter is a critical point in respect of animal health. Requiring drivers and individuals responsible for loading and unloading to be competent in animal transport can help to improve animal welfare during transport
- Type:
- Technical specification
- ID:
- 11561
- Group:
- Turkey
Criterion text
When transporting chickens, turkeys and hens to slaughter, drivers and individuals responsible for loading and unloading shall have completed training on the transportation of poultry in accordance with the minimum requirements laid down in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1/2005. This requirement covers all transport operations, regardless of transport time.
The supplier shall be able to provide one of the following on request, for example:
- Valid licence/certificate for any of the following labels/certifications or equivalent certification
- Svensk Fågel
- IP Food Base level certification, slaughter transport section
- Certificate of competence or equivalent for the transportation of poultry for drivers and the individual(s) responsible for loading and unloading.
Proposed follow-up
This requirement can be followed up by carrying out a spot check. This can be done, for example, by checking one of the following:
If the requirement has been verified by means of a certification, follow-up is possible by checking that there is a valid certificate for the product. This is checked on the website of the relevant labelling organisation, such as Svensk Fågel or Sigill.
Certificate of competence
Follow up the requirement by requesting certificates of competence for the driver and the individual(s) carrying out loading and unloading during when transporting poultry to slaughter.
In the EU, certificates of competence are issued by a competent authority or body in one of the EU countries. Follow up to ensure that the certificate of competence covers the transportation of poultry and includes loading and unloading in accordance with the requirement.
For production and transport outside the EU, follow up the requirement by requesting documentation showing that the individual transporting poultry is competent to do so and that loading and unloading is included in the documented competence.
Regulation EC 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations, Article 6.5 requires that transportation of poultry by road may only be carried out by individuals holding a certificate of competence in accordance with Article 17(2) of the same Regulation.
Transport is defined in Regulation EC No 1/2005 as the movement of animals effected by one or more means of transport and the related operations, including loading, unloading, transfer and rest, until the unloading of the animals at the place of destination is completed.
The Regulation requires both drivers and attendants to have certificates of competence if the tansport is in excess of 65 km.
Versions history
The version date indicates when the sustainability criterion was created or last updated. Last reviewed dated tells when we last checked that the sustainability criterion still is relevant.
- Current ID
- 11561
- Version date
- 2023-04-18