Sustainability criteria for Beef | The National Agency for Public Procurement


In Sweden, 24 kilogrammes of beef were consumed per person in 2018.1 56% of the consumed meat is produced in Sweden, and imports come mainly from Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. About 15% of beef slaughter in Sweden is from organic production.2 The environmental and climate impact of beef production varies greatly, depending on where production takes place and the methods used. Contracting authorities that use sustainability criteria in their procurement of beef products can contribute to better environmental and climate sustainability in beef production and good animal welfare. 


Environmental goal
Agenda 2030
Compare criteria
EU-organic productCoreTechnical specification
Organic product - addition beefAdvancedTechnical specification
Information about the origin of the raw material - meatCoreTechnical specification
Stunning before slaughter – meatCoreTechnical specification
Transport of animals to slaughterCoreTechnical specification
Feeding during lairageAdvancedTechnical specification
Surgical procedures under anaesthesia - beef and milkCoreTechnical specification
Surgical procedures with anaesthesia and analgesia - beef and milkAdvancedTechnical specification
Responsible use of antibiotics - meat and milkCoreTechnical specification
Grazing and outdoor access - beefCoreTechnical specification
Meat from semi-natural pastures - Grazing on semi-natural pastures - beefSpearheadTechnical specification
Roughage for calves - beef and milkCoreTechnical specification
Reduced climate impact from production - beef and milkAdvancedTechnical specification
More sustainably produced soy in animal feedCoreTechnical specification
More sustainably produced palm oil in animal feedSpearheadTechnical specification
Feed without GMO-contentSpearheadTechnical specification