Laundry and textile services

The usage of water and chemicals can be decreased by setting requirements in public procurement for laundry and textile services. More energy efficient processes can also be requested. Requirements on the distribution may impact the choice of fuel and contribute to lower climate impact. Requirements can be set aiming at longer lifespan and decreased use of chemicals in textiles within the service.


Environmental goals
Agenda 2030
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Content of Substances of Very High Concern (the Candidate List)CoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Coloring agents and pigmentsCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
FormaldehydeCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
FormaldehydeAdvancedSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Softening agents in coatings and printingCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Limitation of biocidal products (antimicrobial function)CoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Handling of worn-out textilesCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Flame retardants in textiles where flame retardant function are requestedCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Water repellent and waterproof function in textiles where such a function is requiredCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Requirements under the ILO core conventionsCoreSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period
Sustainable supply chainsAdvancedSpecial contract termsAcquisition of textiles during the contract period