Sustainability criteria for Textiles | The National Agency for Public Procurement


The production of textiles has the largest environmental impact for textiles. The environmental impact can be decreased by setting requirements in public procurement aiming at longer lifespan for textiles. Decisions made prior to the formulation of procurement documents may have a large impact on whether the textile can be reused or recycled. There is a web based guide (is Swedish, under introduction) to show ways to reach longer lifespan for textiles.


Environmental goals
Agenda 2030
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Wastewater treatment plant in productionCoreTechnical specificationAll textiles
Wastewater treatment in productionAdvancedTechnical specificationAll textiles
Reuse of textilesCoreSpecial contract termsAll textiles
Recycling of textilesCoreSpecial contract termsAll textiles
Quality assurance proceduresCoreQualification requirementAll textiles
Content of Substances of Very High Concern (the Candidate List)CoreSpecial contract termsAll textiles
Coloring agents and pigmentsCoreTechnical specificationAll textiles
FormaldehydeCoreTechnical specificationAll textiles
FormaldehydeAdvancedTechnical specificationAll textiles
Plasticizers in coatings and printingCoreTechnical specificationAll textiles
Limitation of biocidal products (antimicrobial function)CoreTechnical specificationAll textiles
Requirements under the ILO core conventionsCoreSpecial contract termsAll textiles
Sustainable supply chainsAdvancedSpecial contract termsAll textiles
Water repellent and waterproof function in textiles where such a function is requiredCoreTechnical specificationSupplement for textiles with special functions
Flame retardants in textiles where flame retardant function are requestedCoreTechnical specificationSupplement for textiles with special functions