All textiles

The textile and fashion industry is one of the world's most resource-intensive and most polluting industries. We have developed a web support (only in Swedish, see below under introduction about All textiles) about the environmental impact of textiles and opportunities to influence by increasing the lifespan of textiles and the decisions that are made before procurement tender documents are drawn up.


Environmental goal
Agenda 2030
Compare criteria
All textiles
Wastewater treatment plant in productionCoreTechnical specification
Wastewater treatment in productionAdvancedTechnical specification
Quality assurance proceduresCoreQualification requirement
Content of Substances of Very High Concern (the Candidate List)CoreSpecial contract terms
Coloring agents and pigmentsCoreTechnical specification
FormaldehydeCoreTechnical specification
FormaldehydeAdvancedTechnical specification
Plasticizers in coatings and printingCoreTechnical specification
Limitation of biocidal products (antimicrobial function)CoreTechnical specification
Requirements under the ILO core conventionsCoreSpecial contract terms
Sustainable supply chainsAdvancedSpecial contract terms