Procurer – employment requirements | The National Agency for Public Procurement

Procurer – employment requirements

Our support for increased employment in public procurement is based on the purchasing process. Here you can follow the whole process and get help in the different phases.

Illustration of the national model for employment requirements in public procurement. The model is based on the purchasing process.


Before adding employment requirements to a public tender, the purpose, requirements and aims need to be described both internally within the organisation as well as towards potential suppliers.

Start by considering these questions:

  • Has a decision been made politically or by management? YES/NO
  • Is the purchaser interested in employment requirement measures? YES/NO
  • Has a job-matching service been chosen for the recruitmentprocess? YES/NO
  • Is there a network or other means of collaboration available for procurement in the region? YES/NO

If you have answered YES to all questions, it's just a matter of getting started.

Did you answer NO to any or all of these questions?

Everything starts with a decision from management. Get in contact, explain the benefits of employment requirements and show them the checklist for decision makers. The more people who actively choose to make a difference, the greater the difference we can make.

Success factors that have been identified in procurement with employment requirements:

  • Clear decisions, political willpower and courage from management and decision makers.
  • Active dialogue with suppliers and social partners.
  • Close cooperation with the job-matching service.
  • Resources allocated for procurement as well as the follow-up.


Prepare the assessment support documentation for the procurement in question: identify external factors that may have an effect and clearly define the target group. The target group should consist of people who for various reasons need help in entering the job market.


Analyse which procurement objects may be relevant. Review everything from the procurement plan and incoming procurement assignments to business area and category planning. A thorough analysis—where the possibilities as well as risks are studied—will help you select procurements that are best suited to setting employment requirements.


It is now time to formulate the requirements, award criteria and special contract terms that will be included in the tender documents.

Take advantage of the templates developed by the National Agency for Public Procurement:

Document employment requirements (SV)
Document for contract terms - dialogue on employment promotion measures (SV)
Template support document (SV)

Steps to take:

  • Select special contract terms for the procurement.
  • If the procurement is intended to promote improved gender equality or employment, you can use the terms in the template for bonus incentives.
  • The tender document must explain that the supplier can receive help with job matching and recruitment.
  • Do you use a job-matching organisation? Send the procurement schedule to them.
  • Ensure that the purchaser possesses the knowledge needed in order to respond to questions from prospective tenderers.

Promoting gender equality and increasing employment through bonuses

If all is done:

Evaluate the tenders and award the contract(s).


When the procurement is ready, the supplier should find and recruit those who will be offered work or internship. This is done by the supplier, possibly together with the job-matching service.

If needed, the purchaser/procurement agent can participate in this work.

Follow up/monitoring

Have you managed to achieve all the objectives? When the contractual period nears its end, it is time to follow up. Initially, the supplier provides a general report to the one responsible for following up the agreement. The job-matching service should also be given the opportunity to participate in the follow-up.